2021-04-30 2021 SelectUSA Tech


(On-line Pitch) 2021 SelectUSA Summit, Tech Startup, Demo Day6/7-11



2021 SelectUSA Tech將於6/7-11採線上方式進行。今年特別安排Tech Startup on line Pitch, TINVA startup為AIT特別欽點的團體, 有機會與全球新創一同角逐, 並與全球的投資人線上見面, 除此之外, 由於台灣疫情控制得宜, AIT特別為台灣所有報名的參與者與startups舉辦台北實體線下活動.


前進美國, 與全球新創交流的機會就在 SelectUSA Summit Tech!!!


2021 highlights>>

      產業深度探索(Industry Vertical Deep Dives)

      全球投資人線上齊聚

      數十場針對個別產業的Investment Academy議程

      產業公會舉辦的圓桌會議

      AIT台北舉辦歡迎酒會和實體交流活動,提供與會與各方(如,台美官方)深度交流


透過TINVA報名新創請於TINVA官網報名, 享有優惠並有機會獲得US$350報名費全額補助!!!

  • Timeline:

6/7-11 (US time) >>online events

6/3, welcome reception (not confirmed yet) AIT處長官邸或AIT reception hall

6/8, Grand Open

  1. Government Open>>經濟部(in person), 美方政府高層(video), AIT, 台灣代表團團長
  2. Keynote Speech>>(not confirmed yet) 陳五福, 陳仕駿, 張子文….


  • Registration fee: 

startup: US$350
Non-startup: US$650


  •  Date & Venue:

6/7-11 (US time) >> online events

6/3, welcome reception (not confirmed yet) AIT處長官邸或 AIT reception hall

6/8, Grand Open (not confirmed yet) 飯店



消 息 連 結:  https://www.selectusasummit.us/About/SelectUSA-Investment-Summit
TINVA 連結:  https://tinva.org/news/detail/1187





一年一度的SelectUSA 選擇美國投資高峰會將於2021年6月7-11日舉行,為因應新冠肺炎疫情,將採虛擬方式進行。所有潛在投資人均可透過SelectUSA Investment Academy課程和大會活動取得各種實用資訊,並參與在台北實體舉辦的線下活動。


1.    線上活動
2.    探索:100多個虛擬攤位將展示美國各地的投資機會
3.    學習:知名政商界領袖將分享對最新商業趨勢和投資政策、趨勢的見解
4.    實現:與會者可取得各種所需的實用工具、資訊及人脈,進而推動其投資計畫
5.    投資高峰會的社交工具可幫助與會者和重要人士安排線上會議
6.    虛擬展會:超過150個美國各地經濟發展機構(EDO - Economic Development Organization)參加,投資人可與參展的EDO聯繫。參展單位還包括美國政府單位、產業公會、及專業諮詢服務(稅務、法務、管理顧問)公司。
7.    SelectUSA投資顧問和美國政府部門專司投資業務的官員將提供一對一線上諮詢,為投資人提供協助。
8.    講者包括美國政府閣員、高階企業主管、意見領袖等,探討與美國投資環境和商機相關的重要政策和趨勢。
9.    SelectUSA Tech的與會者還可參加針對新創事業推廣、拓展、籌資、集資的工作坊,包括新興科技的投資機會
10.    推出SelectUSA Global Women in Tech為女性創業家開創的新單元,向外國女性創業家汲取在美拓展業務的成功經驗

-    產業深度探索(Industry Vertical Deep Dives)
-    數十場針對個別產業的Investment Academy議程
-    產業參訪-在美國各州探索產業的種種機會
-    產業公會舉辦的圓桌會議
-    美國在台協會商務組將在大會期間於台北舉辦歡迎酒會和實體活動,提供與會的台灣公司和各方深度交流的機會。 

-    虛擬展會
-    100多場針對投資美國的線上議程
-    線上工作坊、人際交流等活動
-    社交平台
-    與會者資料庫
-    直接與其他與會者聯繫


-SelectUSA Investment Academy: 根據與會者的類別和時區,安排了100多場議程,讓與會者收穫滿滿。
-SelectUSA Tech為初創和新創科技公司提供優惠的入場及展示機會


 SelectUSA Tech的與會者均可在虛擬展會中,以影片方式展示您的產品或服務。

 SelectUSA Tech的與會者可投遞企畫書,入選者有機會可以向創投業者和全美各地新創生態系的代表進行Pitch簡報,依產業區分為航太、網路安全、電子商務、金融科技、醫療科技、軟體、其他 七個場次。


The SelectUSA Investment Summit is the highest-profile event dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States. The Investment Summit plays a vital role in attracting and facilitating business investment and job creation by raising awareness about the wide range of investment opportunities in the United States and enabling necessary direct connections between investors and U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs).

Each Investment Summit focuses on the U.S. investment environment, industry trends, and new opportunities. Additionally, the Investment Summit features senior government officials, C-Suite business executives, and other thought leaders.

The virtual 2021 Investment Summit, will maintain the core principles of the annual event and will incorporate similar themes and fundamental concepts. The event will feature 100+ virtual sessions, a virtual exhibition hall with EDOs and service providers, and a robust networking platform where participants can make the connections they need to push their investments forward.

The SelectUSA Investment Summit draws more than 3,000 attendees. Historically, the Investment Summit attracts more than 1,200 business investors from approximately 80 international markets who join economic developers from almost all U.S. states and territories. In 2019, nearly $100 million in new investment projects were announced at the event.

The 2021 Investment Summit agenda will highlight a robust SelectUSA Tech program, Industry Spotlights, and a dynamic mobile networking app. Topics ranging from infrastructure to workforce development will once again feature prominent industry experts and government officials. In short: You don't want to miss it. Stay tuned for updates and sign up for the latest information!


Who should apply?

Representatives from the following types of organizations will significantly benefit from attending the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit:

  • Investors, including representatives of international businesses of all sizes, that are seeking to establish or expand operations in the United States;
  • Representatives of U.S. economic development organizations;
  • Representatives from U.S. state and local governments; and
  • Advisors, service providers, companies, chambers of commerce, and associations facilitating FDI into the United States.


Why apply?


The United States is a land of diverse opportunities; our consumer market, our workers, our technology, and our resources are vast and varied. This diversity means there are opportunities for start-ups, medium-sized enterprises, and multinational companies.

The SelectUSA Investment Summit is a time-saving mechanism for investors who are interested in establishing or expanding operations in the United States. Take advantage of these opportunities:

  • Connect - Connect virtually with fellow investors, service providers, and government officials, who may share tools, tricks of the trade, and lessons learned about investing in the United States.
  • Network - Set up virtual meetings with fellow investors, economic development professionals, service providers, and government leaders from across the United States through our online networking platform.
  • Learn - Learn more about how, where, and why to invest in the United States with the most robust content available. Hear about innovative resources and incentives directly from federal, state, and local officials.


"The access that companies have at the [Investment] Summit to the highest level of the federal government, plus all of the state and local agencies, for us it was an unparalleled opportunity to access all of the people in one place that we need to make our transition to the U.S. easier."
– International Investor



The Investment Summit is the primary event where U.S. economic development organizations can meet over 1,000 investors who are seeking to establish or expand their business operations in the United States. Take advantage of these opportunities:

  • Connect - Connect with other economic developers, service providers, and government officials who may share tools and information to help you attract more investment locally.
  • Network - Set up meetings with potential investors through our online networking platform.
  • Learn - Learn about the latest investment trends and resources to help you more effectively reach investors.
  • Promotion - Showcase the advantages of your location in the virtual exhibition hall.


"SelectUSA 2019 was great in the sense that the quality of businesses that attended were outstanding. We are already witnessing outcomes from the [Investment] Summit. We have one business that has signed a lease and plans to invest up to $1 million within the next 12 months."
– Economic Development Organization


How to Apply

Demand to attend is high, and space in many targeted sessions will be limited. All those who wish to attend the SelectUSA Investment Summit must apply. Qualified applications will be accepted based on the overall balance of attendees with respect to the source market and participant type.


Agenda Overview

The official agenda will feature the SelectUSA Investment Academy, plenary sessions, and networking events.


The 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit will feature five days of main stage and Investment Academy session programming.

The main stage will showcase high-profile CEOs, senior executives, and U.S. government leaders who set the tone for business trends and investment policies in the United States.

The SelectUSA Investment Academy is comprised of sessions designed explicitly for investors and economic development organization (EDO) representatives who want to gain actionable insight into the U.S. investment environment. Focused, thematic sessions featuring government and industry expert practitioners provide companies with practical tools and strategies for all stages of the investment process and provide EDOs with resources and best practices for FDI attraction.


Early-stage and startup tech companies from across the world will have the opportunity to virtually exhibit their products and tell their stories. In addition to virtual exhibiting, approved startups will have the opportunity to apply to give a 4-minute virtual pitch in front of a panel of judges made up of venture capitalists, corporate investors, and representatives of the startup ecosystem across the United States.



The virtual exhibition hall at the SelectUSA Investment Summit highlights U.S. state, territorial, tribal, regional, and local EDOs with opportunities for international investors. Additionally, the virtual exhibition hall will host service providers who can provide valuable insights and guidance to international investors seeking opportunities inside the United States.



SelectUSA will host a virtual Industry Road Trip around the United States at the 2021 Investment Summit. The Industry Road Trip will feature approved EDO exhibitors who will share in-depth information on local industry clusters.

EDOs who have been approved to exhibit at the Investment Summit may select ONE industry that they would like to feature as part of the Industry Road Trip. SelectUSA will work with the EDO to produce a short (approx. 5min) recording, which will be featured on the agenda during the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit.

For investors - this Industry Road Trip will help you to connect with local economic developers, business leaders, and experts while exploring promising investment opportunities in some of the most dynamic industries in the United States.

Participation details for approved EDO exhibitors will be available soon.


Will there be foreign language interpretation or translation at the Investment Summit?
Yes, we will provide interpretation or translation of virtual sessions in the following languages: Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

May I request the assistance of an interpreter for my meetings?
SelectUSA does not provide interpretation outside of the main agenda sessions.

Can I bring my own interpreter?
Yes, you may register your own interpreter, but you will have to pay for their registration fee. All interpreters must go through the vetting process, and once approved, will have access to all programming.

