2024-06-20 6.20_ 2024 Select LA *TINVA (SpinOff trip of Selec

TINVA 高總會長親自帶隊, 前進 LA !!!

2024 SelectLA*TINVA 行程由 TINVA 高總會長親自帶隊 ! 並匯集 LA 當地資源 ~ 有第一手的 EE 施旻宜博士 (國際加速器中唯一台灣人 mentor), 李志傑博士 (real estate & hospitality) 以及TINVA 協會三位加州顧問 (Vincent Loung, Ethan Huang, York Peng) 強棒聯手出擊, 為大家規劃最有價值的 SelectLA 行程, 用最短的時間, 最有效率的行程, 一次囊括 LA 最重要的創業生態系資源, TINVA 為大家規劃好了前進 LA 商業之路, 等您一起參與!!!


Select LA 2024 * TINVA


Select LA 為自費行程 (機票飯店費用請自理或屆時洽詢 Lillian 與TINVA同一飯店)

行程之後可前往 DC 參與 SelectUSA Summit

HealthCare/Medtech/AI/ESG/Green Energy/Hospitality/ArgiTech (FoodTech)

行程中有一場專場 Demo Day 讓參與廠商新創強力曝光

安排與美國方面深度 1on1

鏈結 美國, 台灣 資金/市場第一手資源

TINVA報名專屬連結 : https://tinva.org/calendar/detail/527




TeaLa and TINVA are fully committed to establishing a permanent and

sustainable hub strategically located in the vibrant heart of Los Angeles

(SoCal), serving as a two-way conduit connecting Taiwan and the US. This

dynamic platform is designed not only to facilitate the seamless penetration

of Taiwanese innovations into the US market but also to propel them toward

global success. Simultaneously, it opens doors to new opportunities for

Taiwan. Together, we're forging a bidirectional pathway for innovation,

creating a lasting impact on the global stage.

